A little bit of volatility notes…

Wednesday, 2. May 2012

I want to review some notes from another previous Digital Forensics challenge. I will not present anything in here that no one hasn’t seen somewhere else and this is NOT  A REAL FORENSICS investigation and nor am I a real forensics expert or professional. I’m a student learning providing some of the very little I know.

I am only putting up notes if you actually want the reports and evidence files I used, please just ask and I would be glad to put them up. Honestly I have never done anything with volatility up until this point and this was the first rabbit hole I really went down in the field of forensics. I have played with a lot of forensics tools by I am by no means an expert. This is also stuff from last November.

These commands are for some people who want to get started with some really awesome memory forensics.

Using Volatility 2.0 inside a Backtrack 5 Virtual machine Run by VMWare Workstation 8  I ran the following commands  to obtain software information like running processes, dll, connections, and sid information and exported the information to report text files.

root@bt:~/Desktop/volatility-2.0#python vol.py psscan -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem –output-file=Report_Psscan.txt

root@bt:~/Desktop/volatility-2.0# python vol.py pslist -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem –output-file=Report_Pslist.txt

root@bt:~/Desktop/volatility-2.0# python vol.py connections -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem –output-file=Report_Connections.txt

root@bt:~/Desktop/volatility-2.0# python vol.py dlllist -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem –output-file=Report_Dlllist.txt

root@bt:~/Desktop/volatility-2.0# python vol.py getsids -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem –output-file=Report_getsids.txt



Then I used Volatility 1.3 with updated plugins and the following software in Volatility











by running the get_plugins.bsh script Author: Jamie Levy (gleeda)


Registry Ripper


root@bt:/Volatility# python volatility psscan2 -d -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem > /root/psscan2.dot

-psscan2.dot provides a processtree image in doty format to help understand running processes.

root@bt:/Volatility# python volatility screenshot -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem

Saving screenshot to 600.858ecda8.png

-screenshot plugin allows the creation of a screenshot for what the computer screen looked like at the time of the capture


python volatility hivelist -o 107563872 -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem > /203Report/Hivelist-Report.txt

–          The hivelist command locates where the registry hive files reside in memory so we can run registry ripper against them.


The following commands where used to export system hive file reports with reg ripper against the provided system hive files because his program can examine registry hive files and export evidence reports into easy to read text format documents.

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe1cc2008 -f ntuser > /203Report/NTUSER-dat-01-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe10ea820 -f ntuser > /203Report/NTUSER-dat-02-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe10aab60 -f ntuser > /203Report/NTUSER-dat-03-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe15a3a80 -f software > /203Report/software-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe1580448 -f sam > /203Report/Sam-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe15834b8 -f security > /203Report/Security-Report.txt

perl rip.pl -r /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem@0xe1035b60 -f system > /203Report/System-Report.txt


root@bt:/Volatility# python volatility window_list -f /root/Windows-XP-Professional.vmem > /203Report/Windows_List-Report.txt

–          The windw_list command allows us to export everything that was on the users screen at the point and time of capture of the memory image that answers the windows list question in the challenge.

I ran a lot of other stuff just looking around but this is some of the cool parts I wanted to highlight. Maybe I will put some more stuff out after I do a list of other things I want to do.




Tool Information


Cool Links to check out with more details and the real goods.

Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source      Volatility 2.0 + Volatility 1.3          Google Code

Site: http://code.google.com/p/volatility/


Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source      Backtrack 5         Backtrack Linux

Site: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/backtrack/backtrack-5-release/


Type      Name    Publisher

Commercial       VMWare Workstation 8                VMware

Site: http://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/overview.html



Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source      Imaging-1.1.7

Fredrik Lundh

Site: http://effbot.org/downloads/


Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     Inline-0.48_01

Brian Ingerson


Site: http://search.cpan.org/~sisyphus/Inline-0.48_01/



Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source      Inline-Python-0.39

Ange Albertini – Google Code

Site: http://code.google.com/p/libdasm/updates/list


Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     Pycrypo-2.0.1

A.M. Kuchling

Site: http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html


Type      Name    Publisher

Commercial       Yara-1.4

Google Code – Victor Manuel Alvarez

Site: http://code.google.com/p/yara-project/downloads/list



Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     Yara-python-1.4a

Google Code – Victor Manuel Alvarez

Site: http://code.google.com/p/yara-project/downloads/list


Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     Pefile-1.2.10-63

Ero Carrera

Site: http://code.google.com/p/pefile/



Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     volreg-0.6.tar.gz


Site: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~brendan/volatility/



Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     volrip-0.1.tar.gz


Site: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~brendan/volatility/




Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source     Distorm3

Google Code – Gil Dabah

Site: http://code.google.com/p/distorm/


Type      Name    Publisher

Open Source      Registry Ripper v2.02      Harlan Carvey

Site: http://regripper.wordpress.com/program-files/



Screenshot Plugin output of the challenge